Select the CTSU most appropriate for your project:
* must provide value
Acute, Critical Care, Surgery & Transplant
Ambulatory & Chronic Disease
Behavior, Function, & Pain
Heart, Vessel, Blood
Neurosciences & Sensory
Not Sure
Oncology Clinical Research Team
* must provide value
Bone Marrow Transplant
Breast Oncology
Cancer Control and Prevention
Childhood Cancers
Connective Tissue Oncology
Cutaneous Oncology
Experimental Therapeutics
Gastrointestinal Oncology
Genitourinary Oncology
Gynecology Oncology
Head, Neck, and Endocrine Malignancies
Hematological Malignancies
Neurological Oncology
Thoracic Oncology
Project Short Title:
* must provide value
Select the Funding Source Under Consideration:
Other University / Institution
Investigator Self-Funded (e.g., discretionary; start-up funds)
Internally Funded (e.g., pilot)
I do not yet have this information available
Select the Type of Trial:
Sponsor-Initiated, Single-Site Clinical Trial
Sponsor-Initiated, Multi-Site Clinical Trial
Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial, Sponsored
Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial, Self Funded or Internally Funded
I do not yet have this information available
Select the Type of Protocol:
Diagnostic - Clinical trials directly testing the efficacy of devices, techniques, procedures; or tests for earlier or more accurate detection or diagnosis of disease.
Treatment - Clinical trials with therapeutic intent using drugs, radiation, surgery, other biological agents, or behavioral or other interventions.
I do not yet have this information available
Phase 0 - Exploratory study to determine whether an agent behaves in humans as pre-clinical testing indicated
Phase I - Evaluate safety, dose range, and identify side effects in healthy volunteers or in patients with the disease of interest
Phase I/II - Safety, dosage levels, and efficacy of new treatment; device pilot study
Phase II - Evaluate safety and efficacy of selected dosage levels and duration of treatment
Phase II/III - Larger study to confirm safety and efficacy of selected dose(s) and duration of treatment
Phase III - Larger, controlled trial to confirm efficacy compared to a standard treatment regimen or to no treatment; device pivotal study
Phase IV - Post-market study to provide additional information on risks, benefits, and optimal use
I do not yet have this information available
Other - A clinical trial that does not fit into the phases listed above. A comment is required if this option is selected
If "Other", please explain:
Do you plan to use a CTSU Study Coordinator?
Yes No Unsure
Does your project have a specific deadline you are trying to meet?
* must provide value
Yes No
Deadline Date:
* must provide value
Sponsor Deadline for a Proposal Submission (NIH, American Heart Association, etc.)
Target First Enrollment Date
Competitive Enrollment
Other Reason for deadline:
Please enter a brief description about the deadline, as needed. (e.g. Website of sponsor proposal announcement, information about competitive enrollment process)
PI First Name
PI Last Name
PI Email
PI Phone Number
Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Lecturer
PI Academic Rank
Anesthesiology Biomedical Engineering - MS Cancer Center Cardiac Surgery College of Engineering Dermatology School of Dentistry-Prosthodontics Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Int Med-Allergy Int Med-Allergy MNiMBS Int Med-Cardiology Int Med-Gastroenterology Int Med-General Medicine Int Med-Geriatrics & Palliative Med. Int Med-Hematology/Oncology Int Med-Hospital Medicine Int Med-Infectious Diseases Int Med-Institute of Gerontology Int Med-Metabolism Int Med-MI Diabetes Research Training Int Med-MI Metabolical & Obesity Ctr Int Med-Mich Comprehen Diabetes Cntr Int Med-Molecular Med&Genetics Int Med-Nephrology Int Med-Pulmonary/Critical Care Int Med-Rheumatology Learning Health Sciences Neurology Neurosurgery School of Nursing Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Orthopaedic Surgery Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine Pediatrics-Ambulatory Care Pgm Pediatrics-Biochem Gen./Metab. Pediatrics-Cardiology Pediatrics-Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics-Endocrinology Pediatrics-Gastroenterology Pediatrics-General Services Pediatrics-Genetics Pediatrics-Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics-Hospitalists Pediatrics-Infectious Diseases Pediatrics-Intensive Care Pediatrics-Neonatal/Perinatal Pediatrics-Nephrology Pediatrics-Neurology Pediatrics-Pediatric & Communicable Diseases Pediatrics-Primary Care Pediatrics-Psychology Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine Pediatrics-Rheumatology Pharmacology College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy-Clinical Pharmacy Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Psychiatry School of Kinesiology School of Public Health-Health Behavior & Education Radiation Oncology Radiology Surgery-Acute Care Surgery Surgery-Chelsea Surgery-Colorectal Surgery Surgery-Endocrine Surgery Surgery-Gastrointestinal Surgery-Minimally Invasive Surgery-Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Surgery-Pediatric Surgery Surgery-Plastic Surgery Surgery-Surgical Oncology Surgery-Thoracic Surgery Surgery-Transplant Surgery Surgery-Vascular Surgery Urology
HUM Department
Is this a multiple Principal Investigator trial?
Yes No
PI First Name
PI Last Name
PI Email
Anesthesiology Biomedical Engineering - MS Cancer Center Cardiac Surgery College of Engineering Dermatology School of Dentistry-Prosthodontics Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Int Med-Allergy Int Med-Allergy MNiMBS Int Med-Cardiology Int Med-Gastroenterology Int Med-General Medicine Int Med-Geriatrics & Palliative Med. Int Med-Hematology/Oncology Int Med-Hospital Medicine Int Med-Infectious Diseases Int Med-Institute of Gerontology Int Med-Metabolism Int Med-MI Diabetes Research Training Int Med-MI Metabolical & Obesity Ctr Int Med-Mich Comprehen Diabetes Cntr Int Med-Molecular Med&Genetics Int Med-Nephrology Int Med-Pulmonary/Critical Care Int Med-Rheumatology Learning Health Sciences Neurology Neurosurgery School of Nursing Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Orthopaedic Surgery Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine Pediatrics-Ambulatory Care Pgm Pediatrics-Biochem Gen./Metab. Pediatrics-Cardiology Pediatrics-Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics-Endocrinology Pediatrics-Gastroenterology Pediatrics-General Services Pediatrics-Genetics Pediatrics-Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics-Hospitalists Pediatrics-Infectious Diseases Pediatrics-Intensive Care Pediatrics-Neonatal/Perinatal Pediatrics-Nephrology Pediatrics-Neurology Pediatrics-Pediatric & Communicable Diseases Pediatrics-Primary Care Pediatrics-Psychology Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine Pediatrics-Rheumatology Pharmacology College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy-Clinical Pharmacy Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Psychiatry School of Kinesiology School of Public Health-Health Behavior & Education Radiation Oncology Radiology Surgery-Acute Care Surgery Surgery-Chelsea Surgery-Colorectal Surgery Surgery-Endocrine Surgery Surgery-Gastrointestinal Surgery-Minimally Invasive Surgery-Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Surgery-Pediatric Surgery Surgery-Plastic Surgery Surgery-Surgical Oncology Surgery-Thoracic Surgery Surgery-Transplant Surgery Surgery-Vascular Surgery Urology
Financial Department
Study Team Contact First Name
Study Team Contact Last Name
Study Team Contact Email
Study Team Contact Phone Number
Department Pre-Award Administrator Contact First Name
Department Pre-Award Administrator Contact Last Name
Department Pre-Award Administrator Contact Email
Department Pre-Award Administrator Contact Phone Number
Do you know your Post-Award Administrator?
Yes No
Is your Department Post-Award Administrator the same as your Pre-Award Administrator?
Yes No
Department Post-Award Administrator Contact First Name
Department Post-Award Administrator Contact Last Name
Department Post-Award Administrator Contact Email
Department Post-Award Administrator Contact Phone Number
Does the sponsor have published directions?
Yes No
Please provide website for directions:
Does your trial require a CDA?
Yes No
Please upload an editable confidentiality agreement so the CTSU can create a UFA and PAF.
Please attach Draft Agreements, Protocol, Sponsor Instructions/Correspondence, etc.
Yes No
Please upload additional instructions, draft agreements, and key correspondence from sponsor.
For the CTSU to process a Non-disclosure UFA or Clinical Trial Routing Form in eResearch a draft contract must be uploaded.
Yes No
Please upload additional instructions, draft agreements, and key correspondence from sponsor.
For the CTSU to process a Non-disclosure UFA or Clinical Trial Routing Form in eResearch a draft contract must be uploaded.
Yes No
Please upload additional instructions, draft agreements, and key correspondence from sponsor.
For the CTSU to process a Non-disclosure UFA or Clinical Trial Routing Form in eResearch a draft contract must be uploaded.
Yes No
Please upload additional instructions, draft agreements, and key correspondence from sponsor.
For the CTSU to process a Non-disclosure UFA or Clinical Trial Routing Form in eResearch a draft contract must be uploaded.
Yes No
Please upload additional instructions, draft agreements, and key correspondence from sponsor.
For the CTSU to process a Non-disclosure UFA or Clinical Trial Routing Form in eResearch a draft contract must be uploaded.
Are you the Study Team Contact listed above?
Yes No
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Contact Email
Your Contact Phone Number
Today M-D-Y
Select all needed assistance:
* must provide value
Other assistance needed:
* must provide value
Confidentiality / Non-disclosure Agreement Target Execution Date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Clinical Trial Agreement / Contract Target Execution Date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Full Proposal Submission Published Deadline:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
HUM Number (if available):
e.g., HUM00012345
Please attach the Clinical Trial Agreement / Contract